Project number: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000085685.
Project’s description
e-SELLER supports employees in retailing small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in rural areas of the EU, to acquire digital skills.
It focuses on providing employees of small and medium-sized enterprises across Europe with the tools that are indispensable for modern sales in the 21st century. Through the use of new technologies, the economy is under-going a process of digitalization, which requires new skills and competencies of employees, trainers and companies. In recent years, the pandemic in particular has once again clearly demonstrated the relevance of e-retail for all trading companies.
In order to keep up with the times, the project partners will first determine the concrete needs of companies in the partner countries. The results of this survey will be published and used to target the training and education program developed in the project.
e-SELLER Project
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Rural VET providers and trainers involved in the retail workforce training
Chambers and Associations staff
Retail workforce located in rural areas of the EU
Project’s results
Based on a survey among employees of retail businesses in rural areas of the EU, the existing digital skills, needs and challenges are identified, which are important for the use of new technologies. The report serves as a guide for the further achievements of this project.
The project partners will develop an effective training program to support trainers, associations and companies in strengthening the required competencies of employees. This program, adapted to the future requirements of digital commerce, will cover various e-retail technologies and soft skills needed in the digital transformation. Video tutorials and e-cards, which include scenarios for job-related soft skills applications in e-retail environments, ensure transfer to operational practice.
The program provides trainers with a useful training tool to adapt their training programs to the requirements of the current e-retail labor market in cities and rural areas.